Results for 'Olha O. Cherednychenko'

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  1.  21
    (Без)подієвість карантинної візуальності.Olha O. Chystotina - 2020 - Вісник Харківського Національного Університету Імені В. Н. Каразіна. Серія «Філософія. Філософські Перипетії» 62:47-52.
    The coronavirus epidemic has provoked changes in most spheres of public life and has given rise to many ways of rethinking in matters of security, economics, social philosophy, ethics and so on. Against the background of discussing global issues, some kind of simple but not problem-free perspective is being lost – the spectacle of an epidemic from the spectator’s point of view. This perspective is the most obvious, but requires further analysis. In quarantine conditions, spectator’s contact with the phenomenon is (...)
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    The Alienation Phenomenon and the Communicative Model of the Human Society Evolution.Mykola M. Chursin, Iryna M. Siliutina, Olha O. Smolina & Maksym O. Petrenko - 2022 - Dialogue and Universalism 32 (2):141-158.
    The aim of this work is to consider individual symptoms and areas of alienation in the history of mankind and in the modern information society, and the disclosure of its logic and patterns. Methodologically, the study is based on the historical, information and cybernetic approaches. The paper points to a positive feedback between the amount of knowledge in alienated form and figures of society, the development of its comprehensive intelligence. New forms of exclusion, which exist in the form of artificial (...)
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    Cordocentrism and Natural Philosophy of Hryhorii Skovoroda in the Poetry of “Silent Poets”.Olha Sharahina - 2022 - Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal 9:212-221.
    The article has examined the influence of cordocentrism and natural philosophy of Hryhorii Skovoroda on the formation of worldviews and aesthetic program of “silent poets.” The motive and figurative constants of “silent poets,” the specifics of the creation of their poetic universe through the conceptual system of cordocentric and natural philosophical codes are clarified. It is proved, that in the poetry of Iryna Zhylenko, Svitlana Yovenko, Anatolii Kychynskyi, Volodymyr Pidpalyi, Liudmyla Skyrda, Leonid Talalai, Pavlo Movchan, Dmytro Cherednychenko the image (...)
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    Philosophy, terror, choice. Bloch, O. (Ed.). (2009). Philosopher en France sous l’Occupation. Paris: Éditions de la Sorbonne. [REVIEW]Olha Simoroz - 2020 - Sententiae 39 (1):237-241.
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    Типологія помилок, які найчастіше роблять слов'янськомовні студенти.Ganna Makushynska & Olha Popova - 2018 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії 73:136-145.
    Aktualność badania spowodowana współczesnymi tendencjami srategicznego rozwoju Ukrainy skierowanego przede wszystkim na eurointegrację. Coraz więcej Ukraińców decyduje na podjęcie studiów w Polsce, którzy potrzebują poznania języka polskiego w stopniu pozwalającym swobodnie komunikować i opanowywać określone gatunki oraz wyrażać towarzyszące im funkcje językowe. Ustawienie zadania przewiduje analizę kategorii odbiorców kursów języka polskiego oraz ustalenie typologii i przyczyn najczęściej popełnianych błędów podczas uczenia się języka polskiego przez osoby słowiańskojęzyczne, na podstawie własnych doświadczeń autorów w nauczaniu języka polskiego jako obcego w Centrach Języka (...)
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  6. Um Outro Olhar sobre o Olhar que Olha-Lógicas de Ação no Cotidiano Escolar.Mairce da Silva Araújo & Carmen Lúcia Vidal Pérez - 2005 - Quaestio: Revista de Estudos Em Educação 7 (2).
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    O “jogo de espelhos”: religião, poder e sacralidade no romance “Memorial do Convento” (The "game of mirrors": religion, power and sacredness in novel "Memorial do Convento").Thiago Maerki Oliveira - 2012 - Horizonte 10 (25):278-297.
    Quando olha atentamente para os detalhes de uma obra literária, o leitor mais perspicaz toma consciência de mecanismos que regem e organizam o texto com objetivos específicos para a economia da narrativa. No romance Memorial do Convento , de José Saramago (1994), a relação entre Literatura e Religião é um desses mecanismos, algo que se torna visível no confronto entre sagrado e profano, na inversão de seus valores e na afinidade entre “poder espiritual” e “poder temporal”, o que se (...)
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    O conceito de responsabilidade na ótica de Hannah Arendt e Emmanuel Lévinas.Romero Júnior Venâncio Silva & Iuri Ribeiro dos Santos - 2022 - ARARIPE — REVISTA DE FILOSOFIA 3 (1):5-19.
    Resumo: O presente artigo reflete sobre o tema da “responsabilidade” no pensamento filosófico de Hannah Arendt (1906 - 1975) e Emmanuel Lévinas (1906 - 1995) com a intenção de demonstrar as nuances e particularidades de cada autor e ao mesmo tempo realizando uma atualização da reflexão filosófica destes dois grandes pensadores do século XX. Para Arendt, o conceito de responsabilidade perpassa tanto o aspecto pessoal quanto coletivo acentuando a dimensão da política e aparece de forma sistemática em escritos a partir (...)
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    O encontro com o outro em Jean-Paul Sartre.Aline Ibaldo Gonçalves - 2013 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 8 (2):55-71.
    É através do olhar que se inicia a relação com o outro. Em O Ser e o Nada, Sartre usa o exemplo da vergonha como um modo de ser da consciência na qual o outro surge como mediador do Para-si consigo mesmo, pois sinto vergonha de mim tal como apareço ao outro. Existe uma conexão entre mim e o outro, diferente de minha relação com os objetos. Quando sou visto, tenho consciência de mim, mas não sou o meu próprio fundamento, (...)
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  10. Corpo como potência e experiência na perspectiva de crianças pequenas: diálogos possíveis entre Filosofia e Educação Infantil.Márcia Buss-Simão - 2012 - Childhood and Philosophy 8 (16):327-353.
    O presente texto procura colocar em diálogo reflexões do campo da Filosofia da Infância com os da Educação Infantil. Além das contribuições teóricas pretende fazer conexões com situações observadas em uma pesquisa de doutorado na qual as relações com o espaço e o tempo são entrelaçadas com as do corpo como experiência que surgem nas relações que as crianças estabelecem com seus machucados, ou como elas definem, seus ‘dodóis’. Nessas relações duas particularidades podem ser observadas: uma primeira é que as (...)
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    Educação escolar indígena: Um olhar a partir de Freire, ldb E estatuto dos povos indígenas.Ian Lima Santana & Nivaldo Vieira De Santana - 2020 - Odeere 5 (9):391.
    A condição indígena no Brasil se apresenta atualmente de forma complicada. Tendo suas garantias constitucionais violadas, a existência desses povos tem sofrido sérios danos. A situação se torna mais complexa quando se olha para a Educação Escolar Indígena, cuja existência é garantida pela Constituição Federal e pela Lei 9.394/96. Este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar e discutir a revisão bibliográfica pertinente de modo a ampliar a produção de conhecimento sobre o tema. É uma pesquisa bibliográfica e analítica que justifica (...)
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    Per un barbiere di qualità.J. B. De Souza Freitas - 2021 - Desleituras Literatura Filosofia Cinema e outras artes 2:10-14.
    Nestes nossos tempos gerundistas e de valores-isopores o apelo ao eufemismo e à grandiloquência torna-se palavra de ordem e progresso. Oficinas mecânicas passam a ser chamadas de centros automotivos, açougues transmutam-se em butiques de carnes e sapatarias em recuperadoras de calçados.Daí a gente olha em volta e começa igualmente a não achar mais nem barbearias nem barbeiros.Quedê, perguntamos, a Tesoura de Ouro do Carlão? Pois seu salão ganhou a neomodernosa indicação de Cabeleireiro Masculino e virou ele esteticista capilar. Bate (...)
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    Dobrar para desconhecer.Diane Sbardelotto - 2020 - Revista Philia Filosofia, Literatura e Arte 2 (2):729-738.
    Este ensaio visual desdobra-se de uma pesquisa poética de mestrado na qual o corpo da pesquisadora-artista é tornado objeto de si em experimentação. Essa experimentação se dá a partir da produção de uma série de fotodobragens intitulada Mulher dobrada (2016-2019), realizada em um ambiente rural de origem. Com isso, busca pensar os processos de subjetivação do feminino. O conceito filosófico de dobra, presente nos estudos de filosofia de Michel Foucault e Gilles Deleuze é aberto ao ato físico de dobrar e (...)
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    Parmenidean pedagogy in Plato's Timaeus.William H. F. Altman - 2012 - Dissertatio 36:131-156.
    No livro Plato’s Philosophers, Catherine Zuckert olha para o Timeu de Platão de maneira renovada e revive implicitamente a tese de A. E. Taylor, segundo a qual Timeu não fala por Platão. Taylor devotou seu escrupuloso comentário de 1927 para construir esse argumento, o qual, porém, encalhou diante da questão colocada dez anos depois por F. M. Cornford, no livro Plato’s Cosmology : “Qual poderia ter sido o seu motivo?” O motivo de Platão era tanto pedagógico quanto parmenídico: assim (...)
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  15. Constructions of Reason: Explorations of Kant's Practical Philosophy.Onora O'Neill - 1989 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Two centuries after they were published, Kant's ethical writings are as much admired and imitated as they have ever been, yet serious and long-standing accusations of internal incoherence remain unresolved. Onora O'Neill traces the alleged incoherences to attempt to assimilate Kant's ethical writings to modern conceptions of rationality, action and rights. When the temptation to assimilate is resisted, a strikingly different and more cohesive account of reason and morality emerges. Kant offers a `constructivist' vindication of reason and a moral vision (...)
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    Bounds of Justice.Onora O'Neill - 2000 - Cambridge University Press.
    In this collection of essays Onora O'Neill explores and argues for an account of justice that is fundamentally cosmopolitan rather than civic, yet takes serious account of institutions and boundaries, and of human diversity and vulnerability. Starting from conceptions that are central to any account of justice - those of reason, action, judgement, coercion, obligations and rights - she discusses whether and how culturally or politically specific concepts and views, which limit the claims and scope of justice, can be avoided. (...)
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    Animals, equality and democracy.Siobhan O'Sullivan - 2011 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Animals, Equality and Democracy examines the structure of animal protection legislation and finds that it is deeply inequitable, with a tendency to favor those animals the community is most likely to see and engage with. Siobhan O'Sullivan argues that these inequities violate fundamental principle of justice and transparency.
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  18. XIII—Hearing Properties, Effects or Parts?Casey O'callaghan - 2011 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 111 (3pt3):375-405.
    Sounds are audible, and sound sources are audible. What is the audible relation between audible sounds and audible sources? Common talk and philosophy suggest three candidates. The first is that sounds audibly are properties instantiated by their sources. I argue that sounds are audible individuals and thus are not audibly instantiated by audible sources. The second is that sounds audibly are effects of their sources. I argue that auditory experience presents no compelling evidence that sounds audibly are causally related to (...)
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    XIII.—The Force of Linguistic Rules.O. P. Wood - 1951 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 51 (1):313-328.
  20. Yŏksa chʻŏrhak yŏnʼgu.Sang-chʻŏl Yi - 1987 - Sŏul Tʻŭkpyŏlsi: Chongno Sŏjŏk.
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  21. Tʻoegye chʻŏrhak ŭl ŏttŏkʻe polkŏt inʼga.Chʻŏn-gŭn Yun - 1987 - Chʻungbuk Chʻŏngju-si: Onnuri.
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    Wozu Philosophie - und obendrein christlich?Jörg Splett - 2004 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 60 (2):393 - 412.
    Para a determinação do humano (em contraposição quer ao não-humano quer ao in-humano) não basta nem o entendimento saudável do homem (gesunder Menschenverstand) nem a ciência que porventura o complemente. Ms não vai também a Filosofia precisamente em nome da razão para lá do indivíduo e das suas necessidades ? Trata-se, portanto, de em contraposição à "sabedoria do mundo" afirmar a escuta crente em relação a Palavra de Deus? Esta Palavra, por são vez, não informa sobre tudo, e onde quer (...)
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  23. Degrees of freedom.Timothy O'Connor - 2009 - Philosophical Explorations 12 (2):119 – 125.
    I propose a theory of freedom of choice on which it is a variable quality of individual conscious choices that has several dimensions that admit of degrees, even though - as many theorists have traditionally supposed - it also has as a necessary condition the possession of a capacity that is all or nothing. I argue that the proposed account better fits the phenomenology of ostensibly free actions, as well as empirical findings in the human sciences.
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  24. Law, Institution and Legal Politics. Fundamental Problems of Legal Theory and Social Philosophy.O. Weinberger - 1992 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 54 (3):577-577.
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  25. Perception, Flux and Learning.Casey O’Callaghan - 2022 - Analysis 82 (3):560-571.
    Paradigms in philosophy and cognitive science until recently have treated perception in typical human beings as relatively fixed and unchanging. Recent research instead supports the claim that perception can be altered over time by training, deliberate practice or mere exposure. If so, we do not all bring to a scene the same stock of perceptual capacities, and our differences are not just deficits or superpowers. This paper describes six questions an account of perceptual learning ought to address, which pose difficult (...)
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    Conscious Willing and the Emerging Sciences of Brain and Behavior.Timothy O'Connor - 2009 - In Nancey Murphy, George Ellis & Timothy O'Connor (eds.), Downward Causation and the Neurobiology of Free Will. Springer Verlag. pp. 173--186.
    Recent studies within neuroscience and cognitive psychology have explored the place of conscious willing in the generation of purposive action. Some have argued that certain findings indicate that the commonsensical view that we control many of our actions through conscious willing is largely or wholly illusory. I rebut such arguments, contending that they typically rest on a conflation of distinct phenomena. Nevertheless, I also suggest that traditional philosophical accounts of the will need to be revised: a raft of studies indicate (...)
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    Corruption, Underdevelopment, and Extractive Resource Industries: Addressing the Vicious Cycle.Eleanor R. E. O’Higgins - 2006 - Business Ethics Quarterly 16 (2):235-254.
    Abstract: The systemic role of corruption and its link to low human development is explored. The extractive resource industry is presented as an arena where conditions for corruption—monopoly and discretion without accountability—are especially intense. Corruption is maintained by a self-reinforcing cycle. Multiple stakeholders are involved in the maintenance of and/or opposition to the cycle: investing corporations, host country regimes and officials, inter-governmental bodies like the OECD, industry associations, non-governmental organization (NGO) watchdogs like Transparency International, and international agencies facilitating global investment (...)
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  28. Philosophical Essays.O. K. Bouwsma - 1965 - Philosophy 41 (156):186-188.
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    The Logic of God Incarnate by Thomas V. Morris.O. F. M. Thomas Weinandy - 1987 - The Thomist 51 (2):367-372.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS The Logic of God Incarnate. By THOMAS V. MORRIS. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1986. Pp. 220. $19.95. Thomas V. Morris, Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the University of Notre Dame, has written a technical yet provocative study on the Incarnation. As a faithful Christian he believes in and desires to defend the traditional Christian doctrine of the Incarnation proclaimed in the New Testament and defined by the (...)
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    Filosofía de la razón plural: Isaiah Berlin entre dos siglos.Pablo Badillo O'Farrell (ed.) - 2011 - Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva.
    Sobre el libro: Isaiah Berlin ha sido, además de un original e intuitivo historiador de las ideas y autor de numerosos conceptos teórico-políticos, un reconocido teorizador de la libertad y defensor acérrimo del pluralismo. Rasgos que lo han convertido en un innegable referente intelectual en nuestra época. Sobre el editor: El Editor de la presente obra, Pablo Badillo O'Farrell, con motivo del centenario del nacimiento de Berlin, ha reunido un número de contribuciones de estudiosos italianos y españoles que ofrecen, desde (...)
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    Leibnitz's preference for an intensional logic (A reply to Mr. Parkinson).Walter H. O'Briant - 1967 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 8 (3):254-256.
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    Dominance in children.O. Weininger - 1975 - In Alkis Kontos (ed.), Domination. University of Toronto Press. pp. 1-16.
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    Viii.--New books.O. P. Wood - 1956 - Mind 65 (1):107-110.
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    Executive–Legislature Divide and Party Volatility in Emergent Democracies: Lessons for Democratic Performance from Taiwan.O. Fiona Yap - 2008 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 9 (3):305-322.
    Are new democracies with divided government and volatile parties politically ill fated? The literature suggests so, but cases of emergent democracies such as Taiwan and Brazil that face both conditions defy the prediction. This paper explains why: party volatility follows from pursuing distinct executive and legislature agendas under divided government; the political ambition that underlies these conditions sustains democratic and even political performance. We evaluate the argument through government spending in Taiwan. The results corroborate our expectations: they show more parties (...)
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    Pathologies or Progress? Evaluating the effects of Divided Government and Party Volatility.O. Fiona Yap & Youngmi Kim - 2008 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 9 (3):261-268.
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    Foundations of Marxist Aesthetics.Daniel O'Connell - 1978 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 36 (3):374-377.
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  37. The reformed statute of the buonomini-di-s-Martino, renaissance thought in a document of a confraternity.O. Zorzipugliese - 1991 - Rinascimento 31:261-280.
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    Education and the modern state.Anthony O'Hear - 2012 - Social Philosophy and Policy 29 (1):322-335.
    Research Articles Anthony O'Hear, Social Philosophy and Policy, FirstView Article.
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  39. I problemi dell'argomento anselmiano.O. Weinberger - 1943 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 35:95.
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  40. Moritz Schlick (1882-1936).O. Weinberger - 1938 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 15:4-5.
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  41. The idea of an institutionalistic positivism in law-an updated consideration of Kelsen, Hans position on positivism.O. Weinberger - 1981 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 35 (138):487-507.
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    Introduction to Realistic Philosophy.O. A. Kubitz - 1950 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 11 (2):265-268.
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    Can we wrong a work of art?Eoin O’Connell - 2015 - Evental Aesthetics 4 (2):116-137.
    If we can wrong a work of art, then it has moral status. This paper considers two examples of putative wrongings of works of art, but in both cases, the claim that the work of art itself is wronged cannot be vindicated. The sense that a work of art has been wronged arises when that work has a special meaning for us or has a special standing in a cultural context. There is nothing intrinsic to works of art that can (...)
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    Epistemic Elitism, Paternalism, and Confucian Democracy.Shaun O’Dwyer - 2015 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 14 (1):33-54.
    This paper brings a fresh, epistemic perspective to bear on prominent Confucian philosophers’ arguments for a hybrid Deweyan-Confucian democracy, or for an illiberal democracy with “Confucian characteristics.” Reconstructing principles for epistemic elitism and paternalism from the pre-Qin 秦 Confucian thought that inspires these advocates for Confucian democracy, it finds two major problems with their proposals. For those who abandon or modify this epistemic elitism and paternalism in accordance with , the result is a philosophical syncretism that is either unconvincingly Confucian (...)
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    A critical evaluation of the theory and practice of therapeutic touch.Dónal P. O'Mathúna, Steven Pryjmachuk, Wayne Spencer, Michael Stanwick & Stephen Matthiesen - 2002 - Nursing Philosophy 3 (2):163-176.
    In this paper, the theory and practice of therapeutic touch (TT) is scrutinized from a number of perspectives. Firstly, the alleged close relationship between TT and Martha Rogers’ Science of Unitary Human Beings is evaluated. Secondly, the employment of the language of modern physics in Rogers’ theory and TT is critically examined. The authors then review the research literature on TT's efficacy, completing their critique by discussing the ethical issues involved in the practice of TT. As each of the perspectives (...)
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  46. Belief, normativity and the constitution of agency.Emer O'Hagan - 2005 - Philosophical Explorations 8 (1):39-52.
    In this paper I advance a constitutive argument for the authority of rational norms. Because accountability to reasons is constitutive of rational agency and rational norms are implicit in reasons for action and belief, the justification of rational norms is of a piece with the practice of reasoning. Peter Railton has objected that the constitutive view fails to defend the categorical authority of reason over agents. I respond to his objections, arguing that they presuppose a foundationalist conception of justification that (...)
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  47. Empedocles' Cosmic Cycle: A Reconstruction from the Fragments and Secondary Sources.D. O'brien - 1970 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 21 (4):394-396.
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  48. Die personalisme van Kohnstamm en die betekenis hiervan vir sy prinsipieel-pedagogiese denkbeelde.O. C. Erasmus - 1957 - Pretoria,:
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    History of Psychology: A Cultural Perspective.Cherie Goodenow O'Boyle - 2006 - Psychology Press.
    _History of Psychology: A Cultural Perspective_ easily distinguishes itself from other texts in a number of ways. First, it examines the field within the rich intellectual and cultural context of everyday life, cross-cultural influences, and contributions from literature, art, and other disciplines. Second, it is a history of ideas, concepts, and questions, instead of dates, events, or great minds. Third, the book explores the history of applied, developmental, clinical, and cognitive psychology as well as experimental psychology. Conveyed in a lively (...)
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    La metafísica de la esperanza y del deseo en Gabriel Marcel.Paul O'Callaghan - 1989 - Anuario Filosófico 22 (1):55-92.
    La esperanza no [pertenece] a la agresividad ni de la certidumbre ni de la duda, en cuanto que la una como la otra hunden sus raíces en los recursos del propio yo, del "moi obturateur". La esperanza, al contrario, es una afirmación (intrépida, infantil), o una "assurance prophetique", que saca sus fuerzas de la comunión interpersonal. "Afirmación" es el término que emplea Marcel preferentemente para referirse al mundo del ser, del misterio, o —como en este caso— de la esperanza.
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